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Monday to Saturday from 8 am - 8 pm
1,40 € per 1/2 hour
Night rate from 8 pm - 8 am
1,10 € per 1/2 hour
Sunday and Public Holiday
1,10 € per 1/2 hour
Parking vouchers
Minimum purchase 100 pieces /
per piece 2,52 € for one hour
Daily maximum rate:
Monday to Saturday 8 am - 8 pm
18,00 € per half day
6,00 € Night rate 8 pm - 8 am
6,00 € Sunday and Public Holiday rate
250,00 € per month
permanently open / 0-24
310 parking spaces
Hörtnaglpassage, 2 entrances Sparkassenplatz, via the bank branch
Maximum entrance height: 2,00m
Maria Theresien Straße, Kaufhaus Tyrol, Sparkassenplatz, Anna Säule, district administration, Tiroler Sparkasse, Hörtnagl Feinkost
5 Electric charging stations